Dept 3 J – Swine

Updated: July 6, 2024


Dennis Patterson, Dale Patterson

  1. For health information refer to State Animal Health Requirements in front part of Exhibitor Handbook.
  2. Completed Animal Identification & Veterinarian Check form must accompany animal(s) upon arrival at Fair.
  3. There will not be any swine breeding classes at the Fair due to Pseudorabies in swine herds in Grant County.
  4. If 16 or more animals are entered in any class, the class may be divided into two groups and each group judged as a class.
  5. Members participating in Swine Showmanship should include a Class 2 entry in a regular Entry Blank with other entries.
  6. The Swine Show will start at 6:00pm Friday.
  7. All Pigs entered in this fair must be inspected by a licensed Vet within 30 days of Fair. Must have HEALTH Papers showing pig was inspected by a licensed and signed by Vet upon arrival at fair.
  8. Blake’s Prairie Jr. Fair is a terminal show.
  9. All pigs shown at Blake’s Prairie Jr Fair must go to Bloomington Meat II on Sunday. The exhibitor is responsible for the meat unless gone through auction Blake’s Prairie Fair enteral show.





  1. All pigs will be weighed on Friday between 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. to establish entry and sale weight.  The minimum weight for the market class to sell will be 220 lbs. with the maximum weight being 315lbs.  Market Class weighing less than 220 and more than 315 lbs may not be sold at the auction.  The Livestock Auction Committee approved that the buyer will pay no more than 280 lbs.
  2. The maximum number of animals which may be entered in all market classes is three animals per exhibitor. One animal per entry number.
  3. Exhibitors will not be awarded more than two premiums in any weight class.
  4. All swine in this department unloaded at the Blake’s Prairie Fair must go to slaughter at the close of the Fair on Sunday.
  5. Entry of an animal in this market class does not automatically enter the animal in the livestock auction. Members interested in selling their animal at the Blake’s Prairie Fair Meat Animal Auction must complete and submit the Consignment Blank found in this book.
  6. Members planning to participate in the Carcass Show Evaluation must include a Class 3 entry on the regular Entry Blank with other entries. Each exhibitor is limited to one entry.



Blue Red White Pink
$6.00 $5.00 $4.00 $3.00


Lot No.

  1. Market barrow – lightweight
  2. Market barrow – middle weight
  3. Market barrow – heavy weight
  4. Market gilt – light weight
  5. Market gilt – heavy weight





Blue Red White Pink
$3.00 $2.50 $2.00 $1.50


Lot No.

  1. Beginner, grades 3, 4 and 5
  2. Intermediate, grade 6, 7 and 8
  3. Senior, grade 9  and over




Blue Red White Pink
$6.00 $5.00 $4.00 $3.00


Market Pig must have live weight of at least 220 pounds to be eligible for placement, under 200 pounds still eligible for premium.

Each exhibitor’s best rated hog carcass, whether it was sold or not, will be used for placing and premium.

  1. Barrow
  2. Gilt