4-H & FFA Meat Animal Sale Info & Rules

Updated: May 28, 2024


Dennis Patterson, Dale Patterson



 Dennis Patterson, Dale Patterson


Peoples State Bank


Tim Slack


Sale will be auction on hoof and will be open to packers and the public on Saturday, July 20, at 3:00 p.m.


Advance entry deadline, Friday, July 5, 2024. NO ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER THIS DATE. Special consignment blanks are available in the center of this Exhibitor Handbook.

4-H and FFA members who have completed third grade through the year following high school graduation, if eligible to show, are able to sell at this sale, providing they have not sold an animal at another fair in Grant County this year.


Animals sold in this sale need not have been identified and recorded in Grant Co. Extension Office.


If you sold at Blake’s Prairie Jr. Fair you are not allowed to sell at Grant County Fair.


Livestock sold must meet the following requirements:

Beef – Graded on Saturday by judge – must grade select or above–950 lbs. or over

Lamb Wethers – U.S. Prime or U.S. Choice from 90 lbs. to 150 lbs.

Market Pigs – U.S. No. 1 or U.S. No. 2 – must weigh at least 220 lbs. and under 300 lbs. – those over 280 lbs. will be sold at 280 lbs.

Goat Wethers – May be sold up to one year of age.

Rabbits and Poultry – The requirements of department market classes.



Each 4-H and FFA member may consign and sell a maximum of one (1) species of livestock (either beef, sheep, swine, goats, poultry or rabbits) and not more than one (1) head of the species they select can be auctioned.

Exhibitors that have consigned particular species of livestock and are awarded the Champion or Reserve Champion in another species will be given the option of selling the original consignment or the Champion or Reserve Champion. Under no conditions will exhibitors be permitted to sell more than one animal.

Exhibitor can sell at only one fair in Grant County.



Any animal sold at the meat animal auction may be shown after the auction only with permission of buyer. This intent shall

be made known at sale time.

Steers, wether or barrows showing masculine coarseness or evidence of late and/or incomplete castration will be discriminated

against by the judge.

An animal that becomes wild and uncontrollable during the show may be declared ineligible by the Department Superintendent.

A market animal must have been shown alive to be eligible for carcass awards and premiums.



All consigned animals must show in the regular Junior Classes of the Blake’s Prairie Fair. There will be no special classes for sale animals.

Members must be able to lead and present his/her own animal in the sale ring, unless special permission is granted by the Sale Superintendents.  If an animal presented in the sale ring by someone other than the exhibitor without permission from the Livestock Auction Committee, all proceeds from that animal’s sale will be forfeited and returned to the buyer.

Steers, market pigs and wethers will be weighed on Friday, between 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. This weight minus 3% shrink will

Be used for the sale weight of steers. Market pigs, lambs and steers will sell in the order they placed in their show. All meat animal sale exhibitors must be available to have pictures of livestock taken with buyer immediately following sale if requested.

A consignment fee of 2% of the sale price must be paid at the time of payment, following the auction. Fees will be used to build

a fund to cover promotion, advertising and expenses related to the show and sale.

All livestock sold at this sale will not become the possession or the responsibility of the buyers until 4:00 p.m. on Sunday. Payments will be sent directly to the sellers.



All market pigs and steers sold in the Livestock Auction will have a mandatory check-off at the rate of $1 per head for steers and .45 of one percent of the actual selling price for market pigs deducted from the sale price.



Bloomington Meats – Tuesday night after Fair at 7:00 p.m.

An exhibitor may enter one market animal shown at the Fair.

Members planning to participate in the Carcass Show Evaluation must include this Class entry, for the correct livestock department, on a regular Entry Blank with other entries. However, if the animal is sold at the Meat Animal Sale, entry is at the discretion of the buyer.

Premiums will be included in the exhibitor’s total premium check.

Butchering will be done. First-place trophies will be awarded to Steer, Swine and Lamb. A carcass must grade Choice to receive a trophy in any department.

Attendance at the Evaluation is suggested for all exhibitors who have entered a carcass class.



It is understood that all persons participating in this show, acting on behalf of themselves, their principals, their agents or employees, agree to make no claim against the “show,” any official of the show or anyone acting by, for or through them, for loss, damage or injury to any property, animal or person resulting from any cause. All animals, exhibits, grounds and buildings shall be under the entire control and management of the “Show” but neither the “Show” nor any of its officers or employees will in any case be held responsible for any loss or damage that may occur to any livestock exhibited.




The management reserves the right to withhold the premiums awarded in any case in which it shall appear that the regulations

have not been complied with, or that fraud or deception has been practiced or attempted. Payment for beef, swine and lambs sold in the auction to local packing plants will not be made until carcasses have been inspected in the coolers. Any carcass showing evidence or antemortem tampering will be paid for in accordance with their market worth, regardless of auction price of the live animal. Ribbons, medals and prizes awarded on such animals shall be forfeited and the exhibitor shall be banned from future showing.



All exhibitors and their parents or guardians must sign a form attesting to the proper withdrawal of all additives and injections

Administered to the animals being shown. All Champion and Reserve Champion animals going to slaughter will have tissue samples collected and submitted to the State Laboratory by the State Meat Inspectors. The exhibitor will pay the cost of the sample analysis.



Any complaints regarding eligibility of entries SHALL be filed in WRITING. This complaint will be filed by an exhibitor with the Department Superintendent. There is a charge of $5.00 which must be paid when filing such complaint.



Before any exhibitor is disqualified he or she shall be granted the right to meet with the show authorities on the potential Disqualification.