Dept 8 J – Rabbits

Updated: July 6, 2024


Kurt Adrian

  1. Completed Animal Identification & Veterinarian Check form must accompany animal(s) upon arrival at Fair.
  2. Each rabbit must be identified with an ear tattoo.
  3. Limit of one rabbit per entry number. No rabbit can be entered under more than one entry number.
  4. Commercial breeds are breeds raised mainly for meat and fur.
  5. Fancy breeds are used mainly for show and exhibition purposes as well as for laboratory and fur purposes.
  6. Purebreds must have registration papers.
  7. Market class will be judged by weight; all other classes will be judged by age.
  8. No Limit for each exhibitor.
  9. Members participating in Rabbit Showmanship should include a Class 1 entry on a regular Entry Blank with other entries.
  10. All exhibits must be in place by 5:00 p.m. on Friday.
  11. All tags must be tied on cage on entry day.
  12. Exhibitor shall be responsible for keeping pens clean and rabbits fed and watered. Bedding will be furnished.
  13. Exhibitors must be present at the time of judging to present their rabbit to the judge.
  14. Judging – 9:30 a.m. Saturday.




Blue Red White Pink
$3.00 $2.50 $2.00 $1.50


Lot No.

  1. Senior, grade 9 and over
  2. Intermediate, grades 7 and 8
  3. Junior, grades 5 and 6
  4. Beginner, grades 3 and 4



Blue Red White Pink
$2.00 $1.75 $1.50 $1.25



Lot No.

  1. Buck over 6 months
  2. Doe over 6 months
  3. Buck under 6 months
  4. Doe under 6 months


CLASS 3 – COMMERCIAL BREEDS Other (Purebred Only)

Lot No.

  1. Buck over 6 months
  2. Doe over 6 months
  3. Buck under 6 months
  4. Doe under 6 months

CLASS 4 – Lop

(English, French Fussy, Holland,  Mini)


  1. Buck over 6 months
  2. Doe over 6 months
  3. Buck under 6 months
  4. Doe under 6 months


CLASS 5 – Fancy Small

(Britannia Petite, Dutch-several colors, Dwarft Hotot, Florida White, Havana-Blue, Himalayan, Jersey Wooly, Netherland Dwarf-many colors; Polish-Lion Head, Mini-Satin-several colors; Any Other)


  1. Buck over 6 months
  2. Doe over 6 months
  3. Buck under 6 months
  4. Doe under 6 months


CLASS 6 – Fancy Large

(Angora-English, French, Giant; Belgian Hare; Checkered Giant; Chinchilla-Standard; English Spot, Chocolate; Flemish Giant-several colors; Harlequin; Lilac; Silver; Silver Fox-Black, Blue; Silver Marten-several colors; Tan; Any Other)

Lot No.

  1. Buck over 6 months
  2. Doe over 6 months
  3. Buck under 6 months
  4. Doe under 6 months



Lot No.

  1. Buck over 6 months
  2.  Doe over 6 months
  3. Buck under 6 months
  4. Doe under 6 months



Lot No.

  1. Either sex, over 6 months — without costume
  2. Either sex, over 6 months — with costume



Lot No.

  1. Single Fryer – either sex not over 69 days, 5 ½ pounds recommended not over
  2. Roaster Rabbit – a single rabbit, either sex, between 70 and 180 days of age and 5 to 8 pounds
  3. Pen of three (either sex not over 69 days, 5 ½  pounds recommended not over)



  • Carry rabbit to and from judging table |  10 Points
  • Examination of rabbit  |  40 Points
    • Check ears for cancor and ear mark
    • Run hand over body to check for blemishes
    • Check tail for defects and proper carriage
    • Check eyes
    • Check teeth
    • Check front legs for crooked bones and sore hocks
    • Check toe nails
    • Run hand over belly to check for blemishes
    • Check sex
    • Check rear legs for straightness
    • Place animal in natural position to show body type
    • Brush down fur with hands
    • Be sure tail is carried properly
    • Straighten ears to give rabbit alert appearance
    • Maintain posed position, keeping animal as still as possible
  • Condition of animal  |  10 Points
    • Appearance–cleanliness
    • Free from molt
    • Lack of defects
    • Body type
    • Healthy appearance
  • Appearance of showman  |  20 Points
    • Neatly dressed
    • Well groomed
    • Clean
    • Actions
    • Natural
    • Graceful
    • Confident
    • Polite
  • Knowledge of the rabbit  |  20 Points
    • Ability to thoroughly answer questions and give information

Total Points |  100 Points