Dept 16 J – Natural Sciences

Updated: May 28, 2024


Brian Maring

  1. Entries should pertain and be identified as to the nature space studied. Nature spaces may be identified as “wetland, woodland, prairie meadow (open field), fence row, backyard, neighborhood, combination, two or more or other (specify).
  2. Collections should include common name, scientific name, when and where collected and any other information.
  3. When collecting is not feasible or desirable (as in the case of rare or endangered species) surveys may be substituted. Surveys should be in a 81/2″x11″ notebook and include a page for each specimen observed.
  4. Should be from current project year.


Blue Red White Pink
$2.50 $2.25 $2.00 $1.75



Introduction to Naturespace Project
Lot No.

  1. Booklet (81/2″ x 11″) of 15 leaves mounted and identified
  2. Inventory of naturespace in booklet (81/2″ x 11″) form including any or all of the following:
    • Map showing location of plants, animal homes, animal signs, buildings, sources of water, roads and other features
    • Drawings, photos and listing of observations
    • Observations and/or measurements showing changes over the four seasons.
  3.  Collection of six different rocks mounted and identified with discovery location (81/2″ x 11″ maximum)
  4. Diorama of nature space (11″ x 14″ maximum)
  5. Display (81/2″ x 11″ maximum) of five or more different soil samples mounted, identified with discovery location, and listing types of plants best suited for each
  6. Any other project

Birds Project
Lot No.

  1. Booklet (81/2″ x 11″) of 15 or more song birds identified
  2. Any other project

Entomology Project
Lot No.

  1. Exhibit (16″ x 20″ maximum) of 20 or more insects mounted and identified
  2. Any other project

Forestry Project
Lot No.

  1. Exhibit of 15 or more wood varieties mounted and identified
  2. Exhibit of 15 or more leaves, winter twigs and seeds mounted and identified
  3. Any other project

Wildflowers Project
Lot No.

  1. Booklet (81/2″ x 11″) of 15 or more wild flowers or plants found in your naturespace, mounted and identified
  2. Any other project



  1. Poster (14″ x 22″) telling proper firearm or bow handling in oneof the following areas: (a) field, (b) transporting, (c) storage, or (d) cleaning
  2. Booklet (81/2″ x 11″) identifying common game birds or animals listing requirements and state laws regulating hunting of birds or animals
  3. Poster (14″ x 22″) showing parts of firearm or bow properly identified
  4. Display board (14″ x 22″) showing (a) parts of an arrow, (b) arrow tip display, (c) 1/2 sectioned shotgun shell, (d) shotgun wads with shot cup but no shot, (e) bullet display without cartridge, (f) cartridge display, or (g) other display with approval of 4-H Youth Agent one week prior to entry deadline NO

Live Ammunition

  1. Photo album (81/2” x 11”) with pictures and captions of shooting sports activities – may include trips such as WI Deer Classic, Whitetails Unlimited Fundraiser, Shooting Sports Fun Day or any other such activities
  2. Wildlife photo album (81/2” x 11”) identifying small or big game animals in their natural habitat
  3. Design for tree stand – blueprint or actual stand
  4. Booklet (81/2” x 11”) showing shooting targets, progressions, dates and leader’s signature
  5. Exhibit of handmade accessory item
  6. Display or journal of any other subject related to shooting sports
  7. Scrapbook on hunter’s diary of his/her hunt


SUPERINTENDENTS:  Loren Lane, Dave Vosberg

  1. Youth must have attended two county project practices to be eligible for competition event.
  2. Shooting aids are fixed sites, moveable sites, releases, and stabilizers.
  3. Requests for reasonable accommodations for disabilities or limitations should be made in writing to the Fair Office one week prior to Fair.

Grades 3 to 5, 10 yards
Lot No.

  1. Bare bow
  2. Bow and one shooting aid
  3. Bow and two shooting aids
  4. Bow and three or more shooting aids

Grades 6 to 8, 15 yards and under
Lot No.

  1. Bare bow
  2. Bow and one shooting aid
  3. Bow and two shooting aids
  4. Bow and three or more shooting aids

Grades 9 and over, 20 yards and under
Lot No.

  1. Bare bow
  2. Bow and one shooting aid
  3. Bow and two shooting aids
  4. Bow and three shooting aids

Lot No.

  1. Air rifle (Grade 3-5) Stationary target
  2. Air rifle (Grade 6-8) Stationary target
  3. Air rifle (Grade 9 & over)Stationary target
  4. Air rifle-(Grade 3-5) Rotating target
  5. Air rifle-(Grade 6-8) Rotating target
  6. Air rifle-(Grade 9 & over) Rotating target
  7. 22 Rifle (Grade 6-8), must have completed hunter safety-Rotating target – Open Sights
  8. 22 Rifle (Grade 9 and over) must have completed hunter safety – Rotating target – Open sights
  9. 22 Rifle (Grade 6-8), must have completed hunter safety-Rotating target – Scope
  10. 22 Rifle (Grade 9 & over), must have completed hunter safety-Rotating target – Scope
  11. 22 Rifle (Grade 6-8), must have completed hunter safety-Stationary target – Scope
  12. 22 Rifle (Grade 9 & over), must have completed hunter safety-Stationary target – Scope
  13. 22 Rifle (Grade 6-8), must have completed hunter safety-Stationary target – Open Sighs
  14. 22 Rifle (Grade 9 & over), must have completed hunter safety-Stationary target – Open Sighs
  15. Shotgun – five shots at five stations of trap shooting, must have completed hunter safety



Take the Bait Project (grades 3 to 5)
Lot No.

  1. Poster (14” x 22”) or display identifying types of tackle
  2. Poster (14” x 22”) or display identifying types of bait
  3. Poster (14” x 22”) or display identifying types of fish in

Grant County

  1. Poster (14” x 22”) or display identifying parts of a fish
  2. Poster (14” x 22”) mapping favorite fishing spot
  3. Tackle box checklist
  4. Display of three tied flied and/or baits
  5. Completed project book
  6. Any other project

Reel in the Fun Project (grades 6 to 8)
Lot No.

  1. Poster (14” x 22”) or display showing how to use spinning rod and reel
  2. Poster (14” x 22”) or display showing how to cast a bait and/or fly
  3. Poster (14” x 22”) on Wisconsin fishing regulations
  4. Poster (14” x 22”) or display on body shapes of three different fish
  5. Poster (14” x 22”) or display showing recipe for fish
  6. Soda bottle trap
  7. Display of six tied flies and/or baits
  8. Completed project book
  9. Any other project


Cast into the Future Project (grades 9 to 12)
Lot No.

  1. Poster (14” x 22”) or display identifying parts of the fishing reel
  2. Poster (14” x 22”) or display showing how to make artificial lures and flies
  3. Poster (14” x 22”) or display identifying insects fish are attracted to
  4. Poster (14” x 22”) or display on sportfishing-related careers
  5. Boat safety checklist
  6. Fishing-related game
  7. Display of six tied flies and/or baits
  8. Completed project book
  9. Any other project



Lot No.

  1. Labeled display of nature’s recyclers (decomposers) using drawings, pictures or photographs
  2. Exhibit showing natural cycles (water, nutrient, etc.)
  3. Exhibit showing renewable and nonrenewable resources
  4. Exhibit showing daily, weekly or annual amount of waste generated by individual, family, club, state or county
  5. Display on recycling of products
  6. Poster (14” x 22”) showing how to recycle or the importance of recycling
  7. Exhibit on how individual can reduce amount of resources used
  8. Map of your home and/or yard showing your waste reduction, recycling and composting efforts
  9. Home recycling exhibit
  10. Farm recycling exhibit
  11. Exhibit on farm composting
  12. Exhibit showing how recycling fits into natural cycles
  13. Exhibit showing how to make animal bedding from scrap paper or the pros and cons of animal bedding made from paper
  14. Model landfill or incinerator (3-D) with explanation how it works
  15. Any article the member has made using recycled materials



Booklet with photographs, drawings, captions and/or story illustrating experiences

Lot No.

  1. Adventures project
  2. Any article made by the exhibitor to be used in outdoor “Adventure” activities
  3. Backpacking project
  4. Winter Travel project
  5. Canoeing project
  6. Bicycling project
  7. Camping Project
  8. Bowling Project