Updated: July 6, 2024
Mary Sue White, Sarah White
- Horse and Pony judging will be held at 9:00 a.m. on Sunday.
Members not present when classes are called will miss their class. Exhibitors should be on the grounds by 8:30 a.m. the day of judging. Horse and Pony exhibits can be removed from the grounds when judging is completed. They are not to remain on the grounds overnight.
- No exhibitor may exhibit more than 2 head in the Horse and Pony project.
- One animal may be entered by 2 exhibitors from the same family, but only in Showmanship and Horsemanship classes. One of the 2 exhibitors from the same family may also enter the animal in either the Pleasure or Halter classes.
- Each animal may be entered in either Class 1 (Showmanship) or Class 3 (Horsemanship) under the Danish system of judging and in either Class 2 (Halter) or Class 4 (Pleasure) under regular judging. The same animal cannot be exhibited more than once under the Danish system of judging and more than once under regular judging with exception of rule number three (3).
- No stallions over 1 year old may be shown.
- The animal must have been acquired by the immediate family on or before May 15 of the exhibit year.
- The animal must not have been exhibited or shown by anyone other than the immediate family after May 15 of exhibit year.
- Exhibitor can show only one animal under an entry number.
- Draft horses can only be exhibited in Class 1 Showmanship.
- Completed Animal Identification & Veterinarian Check form must accompany animal(s) upon arrival at Fair.
- A NEGATIVE EQUINE INFECTIOUS ANEMIA (EIA) OR COGGINS TEST WITHIN THE CALENDAR YEAR OF THE FAIR IS REQUIRED BEFORE A HORSE CAN BE EXHIBITED AT WISCONSIN HORSE EVENTS. Negative EIA test status can be proven by presenting the original copy of any one of the following (photocopies are not acceptable):
- An interstate or intrastate health certificate recording the test date.
- A certificate of veterinary inspection recording the test date.
- An EIA laboratory test report
- Proper western show attire includes long-sleeved shirt, pants, boots, belt and hat.
- In riding classes, the following are prohibited: martingales, tiedowns, mechanical hackamores, hackamore bits, draw reins, nosebands, and tapaderos.
- All members will be required to wear SEI safety helmets while mounted or driving a horse or pony. Members failing to have a safety helmet on will be disqualified.
- HORSELESS HORSE projects will be exhibited under Department 10 J – Animal & Vet. Science, Class 2, Horseless Horse, and Class 3, Horseless Horse Models.
- If showing a walk-trot entry, members may not show any other entry within that class.
- Walk-trot entries will not be eligible for Championships.
- In case of extreme weather conditions, the Superintendents may decide to delay or cancel the show. In the event of a delay or cancellation, the local radio stations listed below will be notified. You may contact the Fair Office (608) 412-4506 for more information.
WPRE – Prairie du Chien WGLR – Lancaster
Blue |
Red |
White |
Pink |
$8.00 |
$7.00 |
$6.00 |
$5.00 |
(Judged on the exhibitor’s ability to show the horse at halter)
Lot No.
- Horse, over 56″ at halter – grade 9 and over
- Horse, over 56″ at halter – members grades 6, 7 and 8
- Horse, over 56″ at halter – members grades 3, 4 and 5
- Pony, 56″ and under at halter – members all grades
- Draft Horse at halter – members of all grades
(Conformation of the horse or pony is judged)
Lot No.
Regular judging
- Pony, 56″ and under at halter – members of all grades
- Foals (born after January 1 of exhibit year) at halter – members of all grades
- Yearling fillies and geldings at halter – members of all grades
- Two and 3-year-old mares and geldings at halter – members of all grades
- Mares and geldings four (4) years and over at halter – members of all grades
(Judged on exhibitor’s ability to ride)
Lot No.
- Pony, 56″ and under, under saddle – members grade 8 and over
- Pony, 56″ and under, under saddle – members grades 7 and under
- Horse, over 56″ under saddle – members grade 8 and over
- Horse, over 56″ under saddle – members grade 7 and under
- Horse or pony, walk-trot – members grade 8 and over
- Horse or pony, walk-trot – members grade 7 and under
- Open English Equitation – members of all grades
(Horse or pony judged as to its performance as a pleasure mount)
Lot No.
Regular judging
- Pony, 56″ and under, under saddle – members of all grades
- Horse, over 56″ under saddle – members grade 8 and over
- Horse, over 56″ under saddle – members grade 7 and under
- Horse or pony, walk-trot – members grade 8 and over, not eligible for champion
- Horse or pony, walk-trot – members grade 7 and under, not eligible for champion
- English Pleasure – members of all grades
- Pleasure Driving – members of all grades (This class will not be eligible for Champion Pleasure due to safety precautions.)]