Dept 18 J – Cultural Arts

Updated: May 28, 2024


Deb Moris, Emily Birr


Blue Red White Pink
$2.50 $2.25 $2.00 $1.75



  1. Entry Nos. 1 thru 6 – Articles may be from kits or cut from member’s own original pattern. Articles must be stamped and/or tooled, dyed, painted or burned by member using their own original design. Carved and embossed articles are not allowed.
  2. Entry Nos. 7 thru 23 – Articles may be from kits or cut from member’s own original pattern. Commercial patterns may be used. Articles may not be embossed. Articles may be stamped, tooled, carved, dyed or painted.
  3. No more than one article permitted per entry number, except where noted.

Open to first year members
Lot No.

  1. Article without lacing, including bookmark, club lapel pin, single key case, set of four coasters or other similar article
  2. Article with lacing, including pen and pencil case, coin purse, axe sheath, scissors case, luggage tag or other similar article
  3. Belt, collar or other similar article with buckle
  4. Billfold or other similar article
  5. Checkbook cover or other similar article
  6. Any other article of equal difficulty

Open to second year members
Lot No.

  1. Small purse or case type article, including drawstring type purse, fishing reel bag, sunglass case, playing card case or similar article
  2. Belt, collar or other similar article with buckle
  3. Book cover, photo album, tooled purse or other similar article
  4. Billfold or other similar article
  5. Checkbook cover of other similar article
  6. Any other article of equal difficulty

Open to third or more year members
Lot No.

  1. Purse or case type article including bag (lined with interior pockets), brief case, camera case, binocular case or other similar article
  2. Belt, collar or other similar article with buckle
  3. Billfold, small clutch purse or other similar article
  4. Checkbook cover or other similar article
  5. Soft jacket, gloves with fingers, hat or other similar article
  6. Picture, clock, album cover or other similar article
  7. Leather combined with wood, plastic, stitchery, etc
  8. Archery equipment, lamp or gun case
  9. Bowling bag, large purse or other similar article
  10. Matched desk set (two or more pieces)
  11. Any other article of equal difficulty



  1. No paint-by-number, except by first-year members, 8 & 9 years old. All other work must be member’s own original work, not copyrighted or stamped design.
  2. All work must be dry, wall mounted, matted or framed. Exhibits must have sturdy hangers attached so they can be hung.
  3. Entry tags should be attached to the upper right hand corner.

Open to members grades 3, 4 and 5
Lot No.

  1. Oil Painting
  2. Acrylic Painting
  3. Water Colors
  4. Pastels or Charcoal
  5. Pencil – black and white or colored
  6. Pen & Ink – can include felt tip & color
  7. Calligraphy
  8. Porcelain Painting
  9. Other or Mixed Media
  10. Saw blade or saw

Open to members grades 6, 7 and 8
Lot No.

  1. Oil Painting
  2. Acrylic Painting
  3. Water Colors
  4. Pastels or Charcoal
  5. Pencil – black and white or colored
  6. Pen & Ink – can include felt tip & color
  7. Calligraphy
  8. Porcelain Painting
  9. Other or Mixed Media
  10. Saw blade or saw

Open to members grades 9 and over
Lot No.

  1. Oil Painting – Modern
  2. Oil Painting – Scenic
  3. Oil Painting – Still Life
  4. Oil Painting – Other than above
  5. Acrylic Painting – Modern
  6. Acrylic Painting – Scenic
  7. Acrylic Painting – Still Life
  8. Acrylic Painting – Other than above
  9. Water Colors
  10. Pastels or Charcoal
  11. Pencil – black and white or colored
  12. Pen & Ink – can include felt tip & color
  13. Calligraphy
  14. Porcelain Painting
  15. Other or Mixed Media
  16. Saw blade or saw



  1. Exhibits must be member’s original work. Greenware shapes acceptable but no plaster of paris items are allowed.
  2. Exhibits shall consist of one large or two small articles, with no additional pieces.
  3. Exhibits must have manufacturer’s number removed and initials and date added before first firing.
  4. Accessories – Those accessories necessary to complete the project are acceptable. Accessories such as plants, drapes, flowers, candles, foodstuffs, light bulbs, lampshades, pom poms, etc., that conceal the quality of the finish and that are not necessary for project completion will not be allowed. Cords must be wrapped and taped. Wind-up music boxes are allowed. Touch tone music boxes are not. Christmas trees should include wiring and plastic lights.
  5. All entries must have initials and date put on bottom before first firing on greenware.

Open to members grades 3, 4 and 5
Lot No.

  1. Underglaze
  2. Glaze
  3. Overglaze (decals, gold, silver)
  4. Stains – Opaque
  5. Stains – Translucent
  6. Stains – Dry Brush Technique
  7. Pottery
  8. Holiday Article
  9. Design Painting – designs on softies, vases or pictures which have been traced and painted or free-hand painted
  10. Combination of any two or more of the following products: under glaze, glaze, over glaze or stain

Open to members grades 6, 7 and 8
Lot No.

  1. Underglaze
  2. Glaze
  3. Overgrazed (decals, gold, silver)
  4. Stains – Opaque
  5. Stains – Translucent
  6. Stains – Dry Brush Technique
  7. Pottery
  8. Holiday Article
  9. Design Painting – designs on softies, vases or pictures which have been traced and painted or free-hand painted
  10. Combination of any two or more of the following products: under glaze, glaze, over glaze or stain

Open to member’s grades 9 and over
Lot No.

  1. Underglaze
  2. Glaze
  3. Over glaze (decals, gold, silver)
  4. Stains – Opaque
  5. Stains – Translucent
  6. Stains – Dry Brush Technique
  7. Pottery
  8. Holiday Article
  9. Design Painting – designs on softies, vases or pictures which have been traced and painted or free-hand painted
  10. Combination of any two or more of the following products: underglaze, glaze, overglaze or stain



  1. Exhibits MUST be member’s original work.
  2. Exhibits shall consist of one large or two small articles, with no additional pieces.
  3. Exhibitor tags must be attached to the hanger of hanging items.
  4. Hanging items must have hangers attached so they can be hung.

Open to members grades 3, 4 and 5
Lot No.

  1. Block Printing or Stencil Painting
  2. Candle making
  3. Copper Tooling or Tin Punch
  4. Counted Cross Stitch
  5. Creative Stitchery
  6. Craft item using decorated wood
  7. Craft item using recycled material
  8. Craft item utilizing wood burning
  9. Decorated Wreath or Swag
  10. Decoupage (original or simple)
  11. Floral Arrangement or Centerpiece
  12. Garment (appliqued, painted, other)
  13. Holiday Decoration
  14. Nature Crafts
  15. Painted Plaster of Paris
  16. Painting on article other than canvas
  17. Picture Frame
  18. Plastic Mesh Stitchery
  19. Scrapbook page (one, no larger than 15” x 15”, enclosed in plastic)
  20. Stamping
  21. Stepping Stone
  22. Stuffed Item
  23. Three Greeting Cards (same theme/season)
  24. Three Greeting Cards (different theme/season)
  25. Tole Painting
  26. Wall Hanging
  27. Wire, String or Yarn Art
  28. Yard Ornament
  29. Crafts other than above
  30. Craft of original design
  31. Scrapbook containing 5 page minimum
  32. Ceramic bought from store and painted by exhibitor
  33. Craft made by exhibitor using a cricut
  34. Homemade bar soap
  35. Craft made with resin
  36. projects made by a cricut or other similar machine
  37. 1 bar homemade soap
  38. a diamond painting picture of any size and framed with glass.

Open to members grades 6, 7 and 8
Lot No.

  1. Block Printing or Stencil Painting
  2. Candle making
  3. Copper Tooling or Tin Punch
  4. Counted Cross Stitch
  5. Creative Stitchery
  6. Craft item using decorated wood
  7. Craft item using recycled material
  8. Craft item utilizing wood burning
  9. Decorated Wreath or Swag
  10. Decoupage (original or simple)
  11. Floral Arrangement or Centerpiece
  12. Garment (appliqued, painted, other)
  13. Holiday Decoration
  14. Nature Crafts
  15. Painted Plaster of Paris
  16. Painting on article other than canvas
  17. Picture Frame
  18. Plastic Mesh Stitchery
  19. Scrapbook page (one, no larger than 15” x 15”, enclosed in plastic)
  20. Stamping
  21. Stepping Stone
  22. Stuffed Item
  23. Three Greeting Cards (same theme/season)
  24. Three Greeting Cards (different theme/season)
  25. Tole Painting
  26. Wall Hanging
  27. Wire, String or Yarn Art
  28. Yard Ornament
  29. Crafts other than above
  30. Craft of original design
  31. Scrapbook containing 5 page minimum
  32. Ceramic bought from store and painted by exhibitor
  33. Craft made by exhibitor using a Cricut
  34. Homemade bar soap
  35. Craft made with Resin.
  36. Projects made by a cricut or other similar machine
  37. 1bar homemade soap
  38. Diamond painting picture of any size framed with glass

Open to member’s grades 9 and over
Lot No.

  1. Block Printing or Stencil Painting
  2. Candle making
  3. Copper Tooling or Tin Punch
  4. Counted Cross Stitch
  5. Creative Stitchery
  6. Craft item using decorated wood
  7. Craft item using recycled material
  8. Craft item utilizing wood burning
  9. Decorated Wreath or Swag
  10. Decoupage (original or simple)
  11. Floral Arrangement or Centerpiece
  12. Garment (appliqued, painted, other)
  13. Holiday Decoration
  14. Nature Crafts
  15. Painted Plaster of Paris
  16. Painting on article other than canvas
  17. Picture Frame
  18. Plastic Mesh Stitchery
  19. Scrapbook page (one, no larger than 15” x 15”, enclosed in plastic)
  20. Stamping
  21. Stepping Stone
  22. Stuffed Item
  23. Three Greeting Cards (same theme/season)
  24. Three Greeting Cards (different theme/season)
  25. Tole Painting
  26. Wall Hanging
  27. Wire, String or Yarn Art
  28. Yard Ornament
  29. Crafts other than above
  30. Craft of original design
  31. Scrapbook containing 5 page minimum
  32. Ceramic bought from store and painted by exhibitor
  33. Craft made by exhibitor using a Cricut
  34. Homemade bar soap
  35. Craft made with Resin
  36. Projects made by a circuit or other similar machine
  37. 1 bar homemade soap
  38. Diamond painting picture of any size framed with glass



  1. Must be enrolled in Jewelry Making project
  2. Exhibits must be member’s own work
  3. One entry per lot number

Open to members Grades 3-5
Lot No.

  1. Necklace
  2. Earrings
  3. Bracelet
  4. Any other item not listed above

Open to members Grades 6-8
Lot No.

  1. Necklace
  2. Earrings
  3. Bracelet
  4. Any other item not listed above


Open to members Grades 9 and over

Lot No.

  1. Necklace
  2. Earrings
  3. Bracelet
  4. Any other item not listed above


All posters must be made with sturdy tagboard, 14” x 22”. Entry tags, with the grade of exhibitor included, should be attached to lower right-hand corner.

Lot No.

  1. Poster on “History or 4-H” – grade 7 and under
  2. Poster on “History of 4-H”- grade 8 and over
  3. Poster on “Why youth should join 4-H” grade 7 and under
  4. Poster on “Why youth should join 4-H” grade 8 and over
  5. Poster on any 4-H project – grade 7 and under
  6. Poster on any 4-H project – grade 8 and over
  7. Poster on “Celebrating Art or Art in Your Future” grade 7 and under
  8. Poster on “Celebrating Art or Art in Your Future” grade 8 and over



Lot No.

  1. Leather craft exhibit
  2. Drawing and painting exhibit
  3. Ceramics exhibit
  4. Macrame exhibit
  5. Crafts (from articles listed in class 4)



Lot No.

  1. Exhibit of work developed in Theatre Arts Discoveries project – plays, costumes, pictures, performance with description
  2. Exhibit of work developed as part of the Clowning project
  3. Exhibit of work developed as part of the Puppetry project
  4. Exhibit of work from Music project
  5. Exhibit of work developed as part of the Latino project