Dept 21 J – Computers

Updated: May 28, 2024


Sue Breuer

  1. For computer generated exhibits, indicate software used.

Grades 3-5


Grades 6-8


Grades 9 and over


Blue Red White Pink
$2.00 $1.75 $1.50 $1.25


Lot No.

  1. A mouse-drawn graphic you have created yourself (i.e. a paint type of program) using ink jet printer
  2. A mouse-drawn graphic you have created yourself (i.e. a paint type of program) using laser printer
  3. Create artwork using computer graphics using a inkjet printer
  4. Create artwork using computer graphics using a laser printer
  5. A website created by you, must furnish address of website and copies of web pages.
  6. Report created from database you have designed with a paragraph describing how the report is used and a description of the program used to create it
  7. Report from a spreadsheet you have designed with a paragraph describing how it is used and a description of the program used to create it.
  8. Business letter created with a word processing program using an inkjet printer. Identify software program used.
  9. Business letter created with a word processing program using a laser printer. Identify software program used.
  10. Brochure created by you, not using a pre-designed brochure, printed on an inkjet printer. Identify software program used.
  11. Brochure created by you, not using a pre-designed brochure, printed on a laser printer. Identify software program used.
  12. Poster created by you, not using a pre-designed brochure, printed on an inkjet printer. Identify software program used.
  13. Poster created by you, not using a pre-designed brochure, printed on a laser printer. Identify software program used.
  14. Certificate created by you, not using a pre-designed brochure, printed on an inkjet printer. Identify software program used.
  15. Certificate created by you, not using a pre-designed brochure, printed on a laser printer. Identify software program used.
  16. Greeting card created by you, not using a pre-designed brochure, printed on an inkjet printer. Identify software program used.
  17. Greeting card created by you, not using a pre-designed brochure, printed on a laser printer. Identify software program used.
  18. Brochure designed by you with images from a scanner or digital camera.
  19. Poster designed by you with images from a scanner or digital camera.
  20. Certificate designed by you with images from a scanner or digital camera.
  21. Greeting Card designed by you with images from a scanner or digital camera.
  22. Shirt design created using you own graphic design
  23. Shirt design created using a scanned image (i.e scanner or digital camera)
  24. Poster describing the parts of a computer
  25. Poster describing CD-ROM care and handling.
  26. Poster on Internet safety
  27. 2D Animation
  28. 3D Animation
  29. 3D Model
  30. Minecraft PowerPoint. Begin with MINECRAFT “seed” show steps or progression building world with screen shots of building a structure and accompanying items in creative mode.
  31. Create and illustrate a story and display in storybook form
  32. Photography series – 4 picture using special effects (cropping, filtering, morphing, etc.)
  33. Completed member guide (BU7509)
  34. Computer generated magazine or newspaper – should be at least 8 pages and is a combination of graphics and text.