Dept 13 J- Cats

Updated: July 6, 2024


Riley Quick


Blue Red White Pink
$2.00 $1.75 $1.50 $1.25



Lot No.

  1. Poster (14″ x 22″) related to the project on topics such as care and grooming, nutrition, breeds of cats and how to recognize them, historical development of the cat, etc.
  2. Scrapbook related to the project on topics such as care and grooming, nutrition, breeds of cats and how to recognize them, historical development of the cat, etc.
  3. Cat toy constructed by exhibitor



  1. Judging – 9:30 a.m. Sunday. Exhibitors are expected to be present at time of judging to present their cat to the judge.
  2. Exhibits must be in place by 9:00 a.m. on Sunday.
  3. Cats will be released at 3:00 p.m. on Sunday or maybe released early due to hot weather
  4. Cages must have a floor covering.
  5. Cage size is 21”x21”x21”.
  6. Cats must be on a harness and leash at all times.
  7. Cats must have distemper and rabies shots at least three weeks prior to show date. Proof of vaccination by veterinarian required.
  8. Cats, not declawed, must have front and back claws clipped the day before the show.
  9. Kittens must be between 4 and 8 months old. Cats are adults when over 8 months old.
  10. No adult (8 months and over) whole males may be entered.
  11. Decorated cages are optional. Decorated cages must have carpet on floor, light material for two sides, top, and back; water; and litter (bedding optional). Ribbons will be awarded without premium.
  12. Exhibitors must leave phone number with superintendent in case of emergency


KITTENS  (4 to 8 Months old)

Lot No.

  1. Male kitten – short hair
  2. Male kitten – long hair
  3. Female kitten – short hair
  4. Female kitten – long hair



Lot No.

  1. Female whole adult – short hair
  2. Female whole adult – long hair
  3. Altered former male adult – short hair
  4. Altered former male adult – long hair
  5. Altered former female adult – short hair
  6. Altered former female adult – long hair