
Fair Books


Blue Red White Pink
$2.00 $1.75 $1.50 $1.25



Lot No.

  1. Poster (14″ x 22″) related to the project on topics such as care and grooming, nutrition, breeds of cats and how to recognize them, historical development of the cat, etc.
  2. Scrapbook related to the project on topics such as care and grooming, nutrition, breeds of cats and how to recognize them, historical development of the cat, etc.
  3. Cat toy constructed by exhibitor



  1. Judging – 9:30 a.m. Sunday. Exhibitors are expected to be present at time of judging to present their cat to the judge.
  2. Exhibits must be in place by 9:00 a.m. on Sunday.
  3. Cats will be released at 3:00 p.m. on Sunday or maybe released early due to hot weather
  4. Cages must have a floor covering.
  5. Cage size is 21”x21”x21”.
  6. Cats must be on a harness and leash at all times.
  7. Cats must have distemper and rabies shots at least three weeks prior to show date. Proof of vaccination by veterinarian required.
  8. Cats, not declawed, must have front and back claws clipped the day before the show.
  9. Kittens must be between 4 and 8 months old. Cats are adults when over 8 months old.
  10. No adult (8 months and over) whole males may be entered.
  11. Decorated cages are optional. Decorated cages must have carpet on floor, light material for two sides, top, and back; water; and litter (bedding optional). Ribbons will be awarded without premium.
  12. Exhibitors must leave phone number with superintendent in case of emergency


KITTENS  (4 to 8 Months old)

Lot No.

  1. Male kitten – short hair
  2. Male kitten – long hair
  3. Female kitten – short hair
  4. Female kitten – long hair



Lot No.

  1. Female whole adult – short hair
  2. Female whole adult – long hair
  3. Altered former male adult – short hair
  4. Altered former male adult – long hair
  5. Altered former female adult – short hair
  6. Altered former female adult – long hair

Fair Books


Blue Red White Pink
$1.75 $1.50 $1.25 $1.00



Lot No.

  1. Chart or poster on breeds of dairy cattle (14”x22”)
  2. Chart or poster on dairy products or the processing of dairy pro-ducts (14”x22”)



Lot No.

The Normal Animal Project

  1. Chart or poster emphasizing good animal sanitation practices (14” x 22”)
  2. Chart or poster explaining one system of the animal body (14” x 22”)

Animal Disease Project
Lot No.

  1. Chart or poster emphasizing animal nutrition (14” x 22”)
  2. Chart or poster listing animal diseases and their control (14” x 22”)

Animal Health Project
Lot No.

  1. Chart or poster emphasizing diseases that affect man and animals (14” x 22”)
  2. Chart or poster on animal immunization (14” x 22”)



Lot No.

  1. Poster (14” x 22”) related to the project on topics such as care and grooming, nutrition, breeds and how to recognize them, historical development of the horse, etc.
  1. Scrapbook related to the project on topics such as care and grooming, nutrition, breeds and how to recognize them, historical development of the horse, etc.
  1. Display such as mobile, model, photos, actual articles, or a combination of display methods, on tack, grooming equipment, farrier equipment or any other subject pertaining to horses



Lot No.

  1. Halter/Western
  2. Halter/English
  3. Western Pleasure
  4. Hunter under saddle
  5. Working stock horse
  6. Gymkhana/speed events
  7. Trail
  8. Harness/driving (purchased item)
  9. Harness/driving (hand crafted)
  10. Costume

Open to exhibitors enrolled in animal projects other than cats or horseless horse. Recommended for self-determined animal projects.

Lot No.

  1. Poster (14” x 22”) related to the project on topics such as care and grooming, nutrition, breeds and how to recognize them, historical development of the animal, etc.
  2. Scrapbook related to the project on topics such as care and grooming, nutrition, breeds and how to recognize them, historical development of the animal, etc.

Fair Books

  1. Completed Animal Identification & Veterinarian Check form must accompany animal(s) upon arrival at Fair.
  2. Each rabbit must be identified with an ear tattoo.
  3. Limit of one rabbit per entry number. No rabbit can be entered under more than one entry number.
  4. Commercial breeds are breeds raised mainly for meat and fur.
  5. Fancy breeds are used mainly for show and exhibition purposes as well as for laboratory and fur purposes.
  6. Purebreds must have registration papers.
  7. Market class will be judged by weight; all other classes will be judged by age.
  8. No Limit for each exhibitor.
  9. Members participating in Rabbit Showmanship should include a Class 1 entry on a regular Entry Blank with other entries.
  10. All exhibits must be in place by 5:00 p.m. on Friday.
  11. All tags must be tied on cage on entry day.
  12. Exhibitor shall be responsible for keeping pens clean and rabbits fed and watered. Bedding will be furnished.
  13. Exhibitors must be present at the time of judging to present their rabbit to the judge.
  14. Judging – 9:30 a.m. Saturday.




Blue Red White Pink
$3.00 $2.50 $2.00 $1.50


Lot No.

  1. Senior, grade 9 and over
  2. Intermediate, grades 7 and 8
  3. Junior, grades 5 and 6
  4. Beginner, grades 3 and 4



Blue Red White Pink
$2.00 $1.75 $1.50 $1.25



Lot No.

  1. Buck over 6 months
  2. Doe over 6 months
  3. Buck under 6 months
  4. Doe under 6 months


CLASS 3 – COMMERCIAL BREEDS Other (Purebred Only)

Lot No.

  1. Buck over 6 months
  2. Doe over 6 months
  3. Buck under 6 months
  4. Doe under 6 months

CLASS 4 – Lop

(English, French Fussy, Holland,  Mini)


  1. Buck over 6 months
  2. Doe over 6 months
  3. Buck under 6 months
  4. Doe under 6 months


CLASS 5 – Fancy Small

(Britannia Petite, Dutch-several colors, Dwarft Hotot, Florida White, Havana-Blue, Himalayan, Jersey Wooly, Netherland Dwarf-many colors; Polish-Lion Head, Mini-Satin-several colors; Any Other)


  1. Buck over 6 months
  2. Doe over 6 months
  3. Buck under 6 months
  4. Doe under 6 months


CLASS 6 – Fancy Large

(Angora-English, French, Giant; Belgian Hare; Checkered Giant; Chinchilla-Standard; English Spot, Chocolate; Flemish Giant-several colors; Harlequin; Lilac; Silver; Silver Fox-Black, Blue; Silver Marten-several colors; Tan; Any Other)

Lot No.

  1. Buck over 6 months
  2. Doe over 6 months
  3. Buck under 6 months
  4. Doe under 6 months



Lot No.

  1. Buck over 6 months
  2.  Doe over 6 months
  3. Buck under 6 months
  4. Doe under 6 months



Lot No.

  1. Either sex, over 6 months — without costume
  2. Either sex, over 6 months — with costume



Lot No.

  1. Single Fryer – either sex not over 69 days, 5 ½ pounds recommended not over
  2. Roaster Rabbit – a single rabbit, either sex, between 70 and 180 days of age and 5 to 8 pounds
  3. Pen of three (either sex not over 69 days, 5 ½  pounds recommended not over)

Fair Books

  1. Completed Animal Identification & Veterinarian Check form must accompany animal(s) upon arrival at Fair.
  2. For health information, refer to State Animal Health Requirements in front of the Exhibitor Handbook or contact Maxine Wachter at 988-4448 or the Grant County Extension Office at 723-2125.
  3. Each bird must be identified with a numbered leg or wing band.
  4. Cockerel or Pullet are birds hatched on or after January 1 of exhibit year.
  5. Cock and Hen are birds hatched prior to January 1 of exhibit year.
  6. No Limit for each exhibitor.
  7. Exhibitor shall be responsible for keeping pens clean and poultry fed and watered. Bedding will be furnished.
  8. Judging 6:00 pm Friday.




Blue Red White Pink
$3.00 $2.50 $2.00 $1.5


Lot No.

  1. Senior, grade 7 and over
  2. Intermediate, grades 5 and 6
  3. Beginner, grades 3 and 4



Blue Red White Pink
$2.00 $1.75 $1.50 $1.25


(White, Barred Buff, Silver Penciled, Partridge, Columbian, Blue)

Lot No.

  1. Cockerel
  2. Pullet
  3. Cock
  4. Hen



Lot No.

  1. Cockerel
  2. Pullet
  3. Cock
  4. Hen


(White, Buff, Columbian, Golden Laced, Blue Silver Laced, Silver Penciled, Partridge, Black)

Lot No.

  1. Cockerel
  2. Pullet
  3. Cock
  4. Hen


(Jersey Giants – black or white, Rhode Island Reds, Buckeyes, Chanteclers,Delawares, Dominques,  Hollands, Javas, Lamonas, Rhode Island Whites)

Lot No.

  1. Cockerel
  2. Pullet
  3. Cock
  4. Hen


(Ancona, All Leghorns, Black, White & Buff Minorea, Blue Andalusians, White Faced Black Spanish, Buttercups, Catalanas)

Lot No.

  1. Cockerel
  2. Pullet
  3. Cock
  4. Hen


(Brahmas, Cochins, Langshans)

Lot No.

  1. Cockerel
  2. Pullet
  3. Cock
  4. Hen


(Cornish, Australorp, Dorkings, Orphintons, Sussex)

Lot No.

  1. Cockerel
  2. Pullet
  3. Cock
  4. Hen


(White  Earlobe)

Lot No.

  1. Cockerel
  2. Pullet
  3. Cock
  4. Hen


(Red Earlobe)

Lot No.

  1. Cockerel
  2. Pullet
  3. Cock
  4. Hen


(Campines, Lakenvelders, Houdans, Hamburgs, Sumatras, Polish, Sultans, Frizzles, Turkens, Araucanas, etc.)

Lot No.

  1. Cockerel
  2. Pullet
  3. Cock
  4. Hen



Lot No.

  1. Cockerel
  2. Pullet
  3. Cock
  4. Hen



Lot No.

  1. Cockerel
  2. Pullet
  3. Cock
  4. Hen



Lot No.

  1. Broiler type – either sex, 21/2 to 41/2 pounds
  2. Roaster – either sex, to 8 pounds
  3. Single duck, either sex, weighing 5 pounds or more
  4. Single turkey, either sex, over 15 weeks of age
  5. Single goose, either sex, weighing 7 pounds or more


(Aylisbury, Muscovy, Pekin, Rouen, Buff, Campbell, etc.)

Lot No.

  1. Drake under 1 year
  2. Duck under 1 year
  3. Drake over 1 year
  4. Duck over 1 year


(Cayuga, Crested, Swedish, Magpie, Runner, Bantam, etc.)

Lot No.

  1. Drake under 1 year
  2. Duck under 1 year
  3. Drake over 1 year
  4. Duck over 1 year



Lot No.

  1. Gander under 1 year
  2. Goose under 1 year
  3. Gander over 1 year
  4. Goose over 1 year



Lot No.

  1. Tom – over 15 weeks of age, but under 1 year
  2. Tom – over 1 year
  3. Hen – over 15 weeks of age, but under 1 year
  4. Hen – over 1 year

Fair Books

  1. Horse and Pony judging will be held at 9:00 a.m. on Sunday.
    Members not present when classes are called will miss their class. Exhibitors should be on the grounds by 8:30 a.m. the day of judging. Horse and Pony exhibits can be removed from the grounds when judging is completed. They are not to remain on the grounds overnight.
  2. No exhibitor may exhibit more than 2 head in the Horse and Pony project.
  3. One animal may be entered by 2 exhibitors from the same family, but only in Showmanship and Horsemanship classes. One of the 2 exhibitors from the same family may also enter the animal in either the Pleasure or Halter classes.
  4. Each animal may be entered in either Class 1 (Showmanship) or Class 3 (Horsemanship) under the Danish system of judging and in either Class 2 (Halter) or Class 4 (Pleasure) under regular judging. The same animal cannot be exhibited more than once under the Danish system of judging and more than once under regular judging with exception of rule number three (3).
  5. No stallions over 1 year old may be shown.
  6. The animal must have been acquired by the immediate family on or before May 15 of the exhibit year.
  7. The animal must not have been exhibited or shown by anyone other than the immediate family after May 15 of exhibit year.
  8. Exhibitor can show only one animal under an entry number.
  9. Draft horses can only be exhibited in Class 1 Showmanship.
  10. Completed Animal Identification & Veterinarian Check form must accompany animal(s) upon arrival at Fair.
  11. A NEGATIVE EQUINE INFECTIOUS ANEMIA (EIA) OR COGGINS TEST WITHIN THE CALENDAR YEAR OF THE FAIR IS REQUIRED BEFORE A HORSE CAN BE EXHIBITED AT WISCONSIN HORSE EVENTS. Negative EIA test status can be proven by presenting the original copy of any one of the following (photocopies are not acceptable):
    1. An interstate or intrastate health certificate recording the test date.
    2. A certificate of veterinary inspection recording the test date.
    3. An EIA laboratory test report
  12. Proper western show attire includes long-sleeved shirt, pants, boots, belt and hat.
  13. In riding classes, the following are prohibited: martingales, tiedowns, mechanical hackamores, hackamore bits, draw reins, nosebands, and tapaderos.
  14. All members will be required to wear SEI safety helmets while mounted or driving a horse or pony. Members failing to have a safety helmet on will be disqualified.
  15. HORSELESS HORSE projects will be exhibited under Department 10 J – Animal & Vet. Science, Class 2, Horseless Horse, and Class 3, Horseless Horse Models.
  16. If showing a walk-trot entry, members may not show any other entry within that class.
  17. Walk-trot entries will not be eligible for Championships.
  18. In case of extreme weather conditions, the Superintendents may decide to delay or cancel the show. In the event of a delay or cancellation, the local radio stations listed below will be notified. You may contact the Fair Office (608) 412-4506 for more information.

WPRE – Prairie du Chien WGLR – Lancaster



Blue Red White Pink
$8.00 $7.00 $6.00  $5.00


(Judged on the exhibitor’s ability to show the horse at halter)

Lot No.

  1. Horse, over 56″ at halter – grade 9 and over
  2. Horse, over 56″ at halter – members grades 6, 7 and 8
  3. Horse, over 56″ at halter – members grades 3, 4 and 5
  4. Pony, 56″ and under at halter – members all grades
  5. Draft Horse at halter – members of all grades


(Conformation of the horse or pony is judged)

Lot No.

Regular judging

  1. Pony, 56″ and under at halter – members of all grades
  2. Foals (born after January 1 of exhibit year) at halter – members of all grades
  3. Yearling fillies and geldings at halter – members of all grades
  4. Two and 3-year-old mares and geldings at halter – members of all grades
  5. Mares and geldings four (4) years and over at halter – members of all grades


(Judged on exhibitor’s ability to ride)

Lot No.

  1. Pony, 56″ and under, under saddle – members grade 8 and over
  2. Pony, 56″ and under, under saddle – members grades 7 and under
  3. Horse, over 56″ under saddle – members grade 8 and over
  4. Horse, over 56″ under saddle – members grade 7 and under
  5. Horse or pony, walk-trot – members grade 8 and over
  6. Horse or pony, walk-trot – members grade 7 and under
  7. Open English Equitation – members of all grades


(Horse or pony judged as to its performance as a pleasure mount)

Lot No.

Regular judging

  1. Pony, 56″ and under, under saddle – members of all grades
  2. Horse, over 56″ under saddle – members grade 8 and over
  3. Horse, over 56″ under saddle – members grade 7 and under
  4. Horse or pony, walk-trot – members grade 8 and over, not eligible for champion
  5. Horse or pony, walk-trot – members grade 7 and under, not eligible for champion
  6. English Pleasure – members of all grades
  7. Pleasure Driving – members of all grades (This class will not be eligible for Champion Pleasure due to safety precautions.)]

Fair Books

  1. For health information, refer to State Animal Health Requirements in forepart of Exhibitor Handbook.
  2. Completed Animal Identification & Veterinarian Check form must accompany animal(s) upon arrival at the Fair.
  3. All exhibits are to be in place by 4:00 p.m. on Friday. The Goat Show will start with Showmanship at 9:00 a.m. Saturday.
  4. Goats with full natural horns may not be entered.
  5. No exhibitor may enter more than six (6) animals (1 pen) in this department.
  6. All breeds show together. Registered goats must have papers available for inspection at the show.
  7. Definition
    1. Junior doe kid – under 4 months of age.
    2. Senior doe kid – at least 4 months but under 7 months of age.
    3. Junior yearling doe – at least 7 months but under 12 months of age.
    4. Senior yearling doe – at least 12 months but under 24 months and not in milk.
    5. Yearling milkers – under 2 years of age and in milk.
    6. Junior milkers – at least 2 years but under 3 years of age.
    7. Mature milkers – at least 3 years but under 5 years of age.
    8. Aged milkers – 5 years of age and older.
    9. Pure and American Boer Doe – 51-100% with papers.  Boer Cross doe – 50% or under without papers
  8. All market goats will be weighed between 2:30 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. on Friday to establish show and sale weight.
  9. Exhibitors participating in Goat Showmanship should include a Class 1 entry on a regular Entry Blank with other entries.



Blue Red White Pink
$3.00 $2.50 $2.00 $1.50


Lot No.

  1. Senior, grade 9 and over
  2. Intermediate, grades 6, 7 and 8
  3. Beginner, grades 3, 4 and 5


Blue Red White Pink
$5.00 $4.00 $3.00 $2.00


Lot No.

  1. Junior doe kid
  2. Senior doe kid
  3. Junior yearling doe
  4. Senior yearling doe
  5. Yearling milker
  6. Junior milker
  7. Mature milker
  8. Aged milker
  9. Dam & daughter (ribbon only)


(Same classification as Premium List for Goats)

(Same classification as Premium List for Goats)


Lot No.

13. Pigmy Doe – 6 months and under

  1. Pigmy Doe – 7 months to under 2 year
  2. Pigmy Doe – 24 months and over
  3. Pure or American Boer Doe – 6 months & under
  4. Pure or American Boer Doe – 7 months to under one year
  5. Pure or American Boer Doe – one to two years
  6. Pure or American Boer Doe – over two years
  7. Boer Cross doe – 6 months & under
  8. Boer Cross doe – 7 months to one year
  9. Boer Cross doe – one to two years
  10. Boer Cross doe – over two years
  11. Pet Goat – any age or breed (no billys) that does not fit into another class



Lot No.

  1. Straight Dairy – over 3 months under one year
  2. Pure and American Boer – over 3 months under one year
  3. Boer Cross- over 3 months under one year
  4. Pigmy – over 3 months under one year

Fair Books

  1. For health information, refer to State Animal Health Requirements in forepart of Exhibitor Handbook.
  2. Completed Animal Identification & Veterinarian Check form must accompany animal(s) upon arrival at Fair.
  3. All Junior sheep exhibits are to be in place by 4:00 p.m. on Friday. The Sheep Show will start with Showmanship directly following the Swine judging that begins at 6:00 p.m. Friday.
  4. Ewes, ewe lambs, and wethers may be registered or grade. Rams must be registered.
  5. Registered wool breeds, including Columbias, Corriedales, Rambouillets and Targhees shall be shown with not more than two inches of fleece. All other breeds shall be shown with not more than one inch of fleece on any part of the animal’s body.
  6. Halters may only be used for breeding classes.
  7. Definitions:
  8. A spring lamb is one born on or after February 16 of the exhibit year.
  9. A winter lamb is one born between January 1 and February 15 of the exhibit year.
  10. A fall lamb is one born between September 1 and December 31 of the year preceding the exhibit year.
  11. A yearling ram or ewe is one born between January 1 and August 31 of the year preceding the exhibit year. (The age of yearling may be subject of verification by a veterinarian’s exam whose findings shall be final.)
  12. A mature ewe is one born before January 1 of year preceding exhibit year.
  13. A flock shall be comprised of three sheep owned by the exhibitor—a registered yearling or lamb ram, a ewe lamb (registered or grade) and a yearling ewe (registered or grade).
  14. If 16 or more animals are entered in any class, the class may be divided into two groups and each group judged as a class.
  15. Members participating in Sheep Showmanship should include a Class 1 entry on a regular Entry Blank with other entries.







Blue Red White Pink
$3.00 $2.50 $2.00 $1.50

Lot No.

  1. Senior, grade 9 and over
  2. Intermediate, grades 6, 7 and 8
  3. Beginner, grades 3, 4 and 5



Blue Red White Pink
$5.00 $4.00 $3.00 $2.00

Lot No.

  1. Spring Ram Lamb – Registered
  2. Winter Ram Lamb – Registered
  3. Fall Ram Lamb – Registered
  4. Yearling Ram – Registered
  5. Spring Ewe Lamb – Registered or Grade
  6. Winter Ewe Lamb – Registered or Grade
  7. Fall Ewe Lamb – Registered or Grade
  8. Yearling Ewe – Registered or Grade
  9. Mature Ewe – Registered or Grade
  10. Flock


(Same classification as Premium List for Sheep)


(Same classification as Premium List for Sheep)


(Same classification as Premium List for Sheep)


(Same classification as Premium List for Sheep)



(Same classification as Premium List for Sheep)


(Same classification as Premium List for Sheep)


(Same classification as Premium List for Sheep)


(Entry No. 5-9 only under Premium List for Sheep)


A ewe shown in the market classes cannot also be shown in the breeding classes

  1. The maximum number of animals exhibited by an exhibitor in all market classes combined is three.
  2. All market lambs will be weighed between 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. on Friday to establish show and sale weight.
  3. All market lambs will be shown with 1/4-inch of wool or less.

No patch shearing allowed.

  1. Exhibitors that exhibit more than one (1) wether/ewe will be permitted to show only one (1) wether/ewe in each weight division with the

exception of the heavyweight division. In the event two or more wethers/ewes from one exhibitor fall in the same weight division, the

second and third wether/ewe will be moved up to the next heavier weight division. In the event more than one (1) wether/ewe from an

individual exhibitor falls in the heavyweight division, they will be permitted to show two and receive two premiums.

  1. Entry of an animal in this market class does not automatically enter the animal in the livestock auction. Members interested in

selling their animal at the Blake’s Prairie Fair Meat Animal Auction must complete and submit the Consignment Blank found in

this Exhibitor Handbook.

  1. Members planning to participate in the Carcass Show Evaluation must include a Class 11 entry on the regular Entry Blank with

other entries. Each exhibitor is limited to one entry.


  1. Wether/ewe (Lightweight) up to 109 pounds
  2. Wether/ewe (Medium weight) 110-120 pounds
  3. Wether/ewe (Heavyweight) 121 pounds and over
  4. Pen of Wethers (2)




Blue Red White Pink
$6.00 $5.00 $4.00 $3.00

Lot No.

  1. Market Lamb

Fair Books

  1. For health information refer to State Animal Health Requirements in front part of Exhibitor Handbook.
  2. Completed Animal Identification & Veterinarian Check form must accompany animal(s) upon arrival at Fair.
  3. There will not be any swine breeding classes at the Fair due to Pseudorabies in swine herds in Grant County.
  4. If 16 or more animals are entered in any class, the class may be divided into two groups and each group judged as a class.
  5. Members participating in Swine Showmanship should include a Class 2 entry in a regular Entry Blank with other entries.
  6. The Swine Show will start at 6:00pm Friday.
  7. All Pigs entered in this fair must be inspected by a licensed Vet within 30 days of Fair. Must have HEALTH Papers showing pig was inspected by a licensed and signed by Vet upon arrival at fair.
  8. Blake’s Prairie Jr. Fair is a terminal show.
  9. All pigs shown at Blake’s Prairie Jr Fair must go to Bloomington Meat II on Sunday. The exhibitor is responsible for the meat unless gone through auction Blake’s Prairie Fair enteral show.





  1. All pigs will be weighed on Friday between 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. to establish entry and sale weight.  The minimum weight for the market class to sell will be 220 lbs. with the maximum weight being 315lbs.  Market Class weighing less than 220 and more than 315 lbs may not be sold at the auction.  The Livestock Auction Committee approved that the buyer will pay no more than 280 lbs.
  2. The maximum number of animals which may be entered in all market classes is three animals per exhibitor. One animal per entry number.
  3. Exhibitors will not be awarded more than two premiums in any weight class.
  4. All swine in this department unloaded at the Blake’s Prairie Fair must go to slaughter at the close of the Fair on Sunday.
  5. Entry of an animal in this market class does not automatically enter the animal in the livestock auction. Members interested in selling their animal at the Blake’s Prairie Fair Meat Animal Auction must complete and submit the Consignment Blank found in this book.
  6. Members planning to participate in the Carcass Show Evaluation must include a Class 3 entry on the regular Entry Blank with other entries. Each exhibitor is limited to one entry.



Blue Red White Pink
$6.00 $5.00 $4.00 $3.00


Lot No.

  1. Market barrow – lightweight
  2. Market barrow – middle weight
  3. Market barrow – heavy weight
  4. Market gilt – light weight
  5. Market gilt – heavy weight





Blue Red White Pink
$3.00 $2.50 $2.00 $1.50


Lot No.

  1. Beginner, grades 3, 4 and 5
  2. Intermediate, grade 6, 7 and 8
  3. Senior, grade 9  and over




Blue Red White Pink
$6.00 $5.00 $4.00 $3.00


Market Pig must have live weight of at least 220 pounds to be eligible for placement, under 200 pounds still eligible for premium.

Each exhibitor’s best rated hog carcass, whether it was sold or not, will be used for placing and premium.

  1. Barrow
  2. Gilt

Fair Books

  1. No exhibitor may enter more than 6 animals, 2 of which must be owned by the individual showing the animal and 4 animals may be managerial. Only one animal may be entered under each entry number.
  1. For health information, refer to State Animal Health Requirements in front part of the Exhibitor Handbook.
  2. Completed Animal Identification & Veterinarian Check form must accompany animal(s) upon arrival at Fair.
  4. Exhibitors must have Cattle Registration form on hand in case registration may be requested.
  5. The Junior Beef Show will start with Showmanship at 9:00 a.m. Saturday.
  6. In the show ring, exhibitors may use the traditional show halter, show sticks and appropriate combs. Throat straps and nose leads will not be permitted. For safety reasons, wild animals may be disqualified at Superintendent’s discretion.
  7. Beef Cattle Definitions:
  8. A junior calf is one born on or after January 1 of the exhibit year. The calf shall be at least 4 months old at the time of exhibit.
  1. A senior calf is one whose date of birth is between September 1 and December 31 of the year preceding the exhibit year.
  2. A summer yearling is one whose date of birth is between May 1 and August 31 of the year preceding the exhibit year.
  3. A junior yearling is one whose date of birth is between January 1 and April 30 of the year preceding the exhibit year.
  4. A senior yearling is one whose date of birth is between September 1 and December 31 of the second year preceding the exhibit year.
  1. A 2-year old or older cow is one born before September 1 of the second year preceding exhibit year and which has calved during the last year.
  1. Pair of calves – either sex. They must be junior or senior calf age.
  2. Bull calves must be registered and have papers.
  3. Heifers and cows may be registered or grade.
  4. Members participating in Beef Showmanship should include a Class 1 entry on a regular Entry Blank with other entries.




Blue Red White Pink
$3.00 $2.50 $2.00 $1.50


Lot No.

  1. Senior, grade 9 and over
  2. Intermediate, grades 6, 7, and 8
  3. Beginner, grades 3, 4, and 5




  1. All steers/market heifers entered in the Market Classes will show by weight with all breeds showing together. Steers/market heifers will be weighed on Friday between 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.
  2. Steers/market heifers will be divided by weight as equally as possible, so as to have a similar number in each weight division.
  3. The maximum number of entries is 3 animals per exhibitor in all market classes.
  4. Exhibitors that exhibit more than one (1) steer/market heifers will be permitted to show only one (1) steer/market heifers in each weight divisions with the exception of the last or heaviest division. In the event two or more steers/market heifers from one exhibitor fall in the same weight division, the number in excess of one (1) will be moved up to the next heavier weight division. In the event one or more steers/market heifers from an individual exhibitor falls in the last or heaviest division, they will be permitted to show two and receive two premiums.
  5. A pair of market cattle will consist of two (2) steers/market heifers made up of any weight and breed exhibited by one or two members of the same 4-H club or FFA chapter.
  6. Entry of an animal in this market class does not automatically enter the animal in the livestock auction. Members interested in

selling their animal at the Blake’s Prairie Fair Meat Animal Auction must complete and submit the Consignment Blank found in

the center section of this book.

  1. Members planning to participate in the Carcass Show Evaluation must include a Class 8 entry on the Entry Blank with other


  1. Steers/market heifers with horns are not eligible to be exhibited.
  2. All steers/market heifers will be mouthed at the time of weighing by the veterinarian assisting the Fair.
  3. An animal may show, but not sell if determined by the vet by mouthing that the animal is too old at the time of weighing in at the fair.
  4. Market heifers (not breeding stock) can be exhibited in the market class with the market steers and will be included in the champion drive for Champion overall Market beef and are allowed to be sold in the meat animal auction.
  5. If a heifer is shown in the market class, she cannot also be shown in the breeding class.



Blue Red White Pink
$8.00 $7.00 $6.00 $5.00


Lot No.

  1. Beef steer, indicate number of animals entered
  2. Dairy steer, indicate number of animals entered
  3. Dairy/Beef Crossbred steer, indicate number of animals entered
  4. Pair of market cattle


(Same classification as Premium List for Beef Breeding Classes)



(Same classification as Premium List for Beef Breeding Classes)



(Same classification as Premium List for Beef Breeding Classes)



(Same classification as Premium List for Beef Breeding Classes)



(Same classification as Premium List for Beef Breeding Classes)



(Same classification as Premium List for Beef Breeding Classes)



(Same classification as Premium List for Beef Breeding Classes)



(Same classification as Premium List for Beef Breeding Classes)



(Same classification as Premium List for Lot 3-10)




Lot No

Blue Red White Pink
1. Bull calf, junior, registered $9.00 $8.00 $7.00 $5.00
2. Bull calf, senior, registered $9.00 $8.00 $7.00 $5.00
3. Heifer calf, junior $9.00 $8.00 $7.00 $5.00
4. Heifer calf, senior $11.00 $9.00 $7.00 $5.00
5. Heifer, summer yearling $11.00 $9.00 $7.00 $5.00
6. Heifer, junior yearling $11.00 $9.00 $7.00 $5.00
7. Heifer, senior yearling $11.00 $9.00 $7.00 $5.00
9. Pair of calves (Jr. or Sr.)

10. Cow/calf Pair

11. Cow, 2 years and over (dry)
















Blue Red White Pink
1. Market Steer $6.00 $5.00 $4.00 $3.00


Fair Books





ATCP 160.01 DEFINITIONS, As used in this chapter:

(1) “Class” means a grouping in which exhibits may be entered, including an animal breed or age group for animal exhibits; a type

of produce, crop or food; or specific age, age group or educational grade level of exhibitor.

(2) “Department,” as it relates to the organizational structure of a fair, means an animal species, production group, or other principal

classification of exhibits. As used in any other context, “department” means the State of Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection.

(3) “Division” means one of three exhibitor group classifications for a fair and is limited to junior division, open division and senior

citizens’ division.

(4) “Lot” or “lot number” means the numerical designation assigned by a local fair for a specific category of exhibits within a class.

(5) “Premium” means a monetary prize that a county or district fair awards to an exhibitor after judging all competing exhibits in the

class to which the premium pertains.



(1) General.

(a) The state aid authorized by s. 93.23(1), Stats., may be paid only on net premiums, which consist of total premiums paid less total entry fees received. The department may withhold state premium aid from any fair which does not enforce the animal health provisions required under ch. ATCP 10 for all classes of livestock exhibited at the fair.

State aid will be paid only on premiums actually paid by bank check or draft.

(b) No deductions may be made from premium money won by an exhibitor. Premiums may, however, be withheld where exhibition

rules established by the fair association are violated. A written statement of violation shall be submitted to the department to justify

action taken by a local fair.

(c) Premiums offered shall be definite in amount. No decrease or increase in published premiums may be made because of the financial condition or the organization or for any other reason.

(d) State aid may be paid on no more than 2 premiums awarded an exhibitor under one premium or lot number in open division individual livestock classes, except poultry and rabbits, and no more than one premium in all other classes, including poultry and rabbits.

(e) No county or district fair may receive state aid for a premium awarded to any exhibitor in the open division if that exhibitor entered

the same exhibit in the junior division at the same county or district fair. This paragraph does not apply if the exhibit was entered in the junior division only as part of a herd group, carcass class or performance class.

(f) No state aid will be paid on the cost of ribbons, cups, trophy prizes or entertainment contests.

(2) Premium Lists.

(a) Premiums for which state aid is requested by county and district fairs shall conform with the uniform premium list and other

requirements set forth in these rules. Fairs requesting state aid for net premiums shall submit to the department a printed copy of the premium list used at the fair, as required under s. ATCP 160.92(3)(c).

(b) The officers of each fair shall mail a copy of the premium list to other associations, societies, or boards conducting a fair in Wisconsin upon request.

(c) Section ATCP 160.01 through 160.07 and 160.91 shall be published in premium books used by a fair for which state aid is


(3) Entry Fees.

(a) A county of district fair may charge an exhibitor an entry fee. The entry fee may not exceed 10% of the sum of all premiums offered to exhibitors in the same class for which the entry fee is charged. In lieu of an entry fee, a county or district fair may charge stall rents for horses, cattle, sheep, goats, swine, poultry, rabbits or pets. Stall rents shall not exceed $1.50 per single stall or animal or $3.00 per box stall for horses; $1.00 per single stall or animal or $2.00 per box stall for cattle; or 50¢ per animal or $2.00 per pen for swine, goats and sheep. A standard pen for swine, goats or sheep is approximately 64 square feet. Cage rents may not exceed 50¢ per head for poultry, rabbit or pet exhibits.

(b) Exhibitors in educational and school departments shall not be required to purchase an exhibitor’s ticket. Any other exhibitor may

be required, if no entry fee is charged, to purchase an exhibitor’s season ticket at a price not to exceed that charged for a non-exhibitor’s season ticket.

(4) Split Fair Dates.

(a) For purposes of this subsection, “split fair dates” occur when a fair organization judges exhibits or contests and pays premiums at

more than one time or at more than one location during the calendar year.

(b) Except as provided under par. (c), the department may not pay state aid for a fair having split dates unless the department gives

advance written approval for a split fair. The department may approve split fair dates only if the fair organization justifies the split dates based on extreme hardship. If the department approves split dates, all blue ribbon winners shall repeat their demonstrations or exhibits at the regular fair dates unless the department grants a hardship exemption.

An exhibitor may use audio-visual media, still photography or an educational display to repeat a demonstration or exhibit.

(c) The department may pay state aid for the following exhibits or contests in a fair having split dates, regardless or whether the department approves those split dates in advance:

  1. Clothing revue. 5. Small animals.
  2. Demonstrations. 6. Rocketry
  3. Favorite foods revue. 7. Shooting sports.
  4. Dogs.


ATCP 160.03 EXHIBITION REQUIREMENTS. A county or district fair shall meet all of the exhibition requirements of this section to be eligible for state premium aid.

(1) No fair society or other organization sponsoring a county or district fair shall require an exhibitor to become a member of the

organization in order to enter an exhibit at the fair, nor shall the sponsoring organization make any deduction from an exhibitor’s

premium as a donation to the fair society, or require an exhibitor in any other way to make a donation to the society.

(2) State aid may not be approved for out-of-state exhibits or for separate classes of local and non-local exhibitors. Aid may not be

approved for payment of premiums to an exhibitor having an out of-state address but claiming Wisconsin residency unless the fair

secretary provides the department with an affidavit that the exhibitor’s residence is geographically located within the state.

(3) State aid may be paid only on articles or animals actually on display in an exhibit building or actually shown in the show ring on

regular fair dates unless approval for split fair dates is obtained under s. ATCP 160.02(4). State aid may not be paid on Dairy Herd Improvement Association records, transportation aid, production contests or

other special educational exhibits unless prior approval is obtained under s. ATCP 160.04(8).

(4) State aid may not be paid on exhibits removed from the fair grounds before 4 p.m. of the last day of the fair, or such other later

time as may be specified by the fair, without prior approval of the department. Authority for earlier removal may be granted by the

department in case of meat animal sales or other special classes, if requested before the beginning of the fair. In other hardship cases,

approval may be granted by the local fair. Exhibits in dog obedience and small animal pet classes may be judged during the regular fair but are not required to remain present during the entire fair. The local fair may prescribe the length of time junior fair exhibitors of horses shall keep their animals on the grounds.



(1) Eligibility. In the junior fair division, the department may pay state aid on prizes offered to exhibitors who are under 20 years of age on January 1 of the current fair year. A county or district fair board

may establish subgroups within a fair entry class based on the exhibitor’s grade level in school. The department may not pay state

aid on prizes for club parades, club floats, song contest, or a project which is not an exhibit or demonstration at the fair.

(2) All exhibitors in the junior fair division shall be members of 4-H, FFA, FHA-HERO, Scouting programs, breed groups, or any

other recognized youth organization under adult leadership and with an education program approval by the local fair.

(3) Exhibits in the junior fair shall be a result of the exhibitor’s own labor and may include a study, merit, or other special project, a skill area or a supervised occupational experience in which the exhibitor is regularly enrolled.

(4) State aid may be used for the payment of no more than one premium awarded an exhibitor under any one premium or lot number

in the junior fair division, except when awarded as part of a group in livestock exhibits or in showmanship.

(5) Premiums in the educational department shall be paid directly to the exhibitor who made the exhibit and not to the school or teacher, except for group premiums offered to inter-school competitive classes.

No aid may be paid on education department premiums unless a complete list of exhibitors and a complete set of judges’ sheets for

the education department, similar to those required in other departments, is filed with the department. All educational exhibits shall be

displayed at the fair regardless of whether they are judged prior to or at the fair.

(6) If 16 or more animals, items or articles are entered in any junior fair class, the class may be divided into 2 or more approximately equal groups according to weight, age or other identifying characteristic and each group judged as a class.

(7) Special education exhibits may be established if the proposal is presented to the Wisconsin association of fairs before October 1

of the year preceding its proposed establishment and the exhibit is approved by the department.

(8) Within any junior fair department under subch. IV, a county or district fair may establish special classes where none are specified

under sub ch. IV. Special classes may include classes for grade and crossbred females in the beef, swine, sheep and horse departments.

Premiums for special classes created under this subsection shall be equal to premiums for comparable classes established in the same

department under sub ch. IV.



(1) The total maximum premiums set forth for all places in any open division livestock class, excluding poultry and rabbits, may be

divided into premiums for a greater number of places, but the maximum premium offered for any additional place shall be not higher

than the maximum for last place in the class.

(2) State aid for premiums awarded for horses in open division classes shall be limited to horses which are owned by the exhibitor.

(3) All animals in any open division class shall be owned by the exhibitor, except as provided in s. ATCP 160.09.



(1) The age of exhibitors in the senior citizens division is limited to persons 62 years of age or over.

(2) Exhibitors in the senior citizens division may not enter identical items or articles in both the senior citizens division and the corresponding classes of the regular open division.




(1) Classes may be combined if the number of entries in several single classes is insufficient. If any classes are combined, state aid

shall be limited to the maximum total premiums listed for a single class of animals, items or articles in that department.

(2) (a) Except as provided under par. (b), no county or district fair may receive state aid for premiums awarded for sexually intact male dairy cattle, beef cattle, sheep, goats, swine or horses unless those animals are registered purebreds. Registered purebred status shall be documented by a certificate of registry from the appropriate breed association or society, or by a copy of the application for registration.

(b) Paragraph (a) does not apply to dairy cattle exhibited at a county or district fair if a national breed association certifies that those dairy cattle are recorded in that breed association’s qualified herd book which records the genealogy of that breed.

(3) Any animal entered as part of a group class may also be exhibited in a class for individual animals.

(4) Boars may not be entered as an exhibit in the swine department unless their tusks have been removed.



(1) Judging shall be done at county and district fairs by individuals who are registered with the department and who have knowledge,

training or experience in the specific class or classes to be judged as determined by the department. Judging shall be done in accordance with the requirements of s. ATCP 160.92(3)(a). In no case shall any person who is an officer or director of a fair be eligible to judge exhibits at such fair; nor shall any person interested directly or indirectly in exhibits shown in any department of a fair be eligible to judge articles or animals in that department.

(2) Each judge at a county or district fair shall be provided with a copy of the fair’s premium book or list of entry classes at least 7

days prior to the opening date of the fair.

(3) No animal or article, irrespective of the number of entries in the class in which it is entered, shall be awarded a higher rating than

its merit would entitle it to in comparison to the standard of perfection in the class.

(4) (a) No state aid will be paid on premiums awarded under the Danish system in any classes except in the junior and educational


(b) When classes in the junior and educational departments are judged according to the Danish system, 4 group placings shall

be awarded in any class. When there are less than 8 exhibitors in the class, there shall not be more than 2 in the first group, not more than 4 in the first 2 groups and not more than 6 in the first 3 groups. If there are 8 or more entries in the class, there shall not be more than 25% in the first group, not more than 50% in the first 2 groups and not more than 75% in the first 3 groups.

(c) The number of awards in the last group placing may be increased to the extent necessary to give awards to all exhibitors.

(5) If any class of exhibits at a county or district fair is judged according to the regular system, the judges for that class may give only

one first-place, one second-place, one third-place and one fourth-place award in that class.



Danish Judging


Number of Entries 1st Place 1st 2 Places 1st 3 Places 1st 4 Places
no more than no more than no more than no more than
1 1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3 3
4 2 4 4 4
5 2 4 5 5
6 2 4 6 6
7 2 4 6 7
8 2 4 6 8
9 2 4 6 9
10 2 5 7 10
11 2 5 8 11
12 3 6 9 12
13 3 6 9 13
14 3 7 10 14
15 3 7 11 15
16 4 8 12 16
17 4 8 12 17
18 4 9 13 18
19 4 6 14 19
20 5 10 15 20
21 5 10 15 21
22 5 11 16 22
23 5 11 17 23
24 6 12 18 24
25 6 12 18 25
26 6 13 19 26
27 6 13 20 27
28 7 14 21 28
29 7 14 21 29
30 7 15 22 30