Premiums Blue Red White Pink $2.50 $2.25 $2.00 $1.75 CLASS 1 – ADVENTURES IN LEATHERCRAFT Entry Nos. 1 thru 6 – Articles may be from kits or cut from member’s own original pattern. Articles must be stamped and/or tooled, dyed, painted or burned by member using their own original design. Carved and embossed articles …
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CLASS 1 – EXPLORER PROJECT First Year 4-H Members Only Judging Friday, 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. Exploring exhibitors will be awarded green participation ribbons and $1.50 in premiums for each exhibit. Exhibitors are to bring their project to the Fair anytime between 3:00 and 5:00 p.m. on Friday. They must participate in conference judging (the …
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Entries should pertain and be identified as to the nature space studied. Nature spaces may be identified as “wetland, woodland, prairie meadow (open field), fence row, backyard, neighborhood, combination, two or more or other (specify). Collections should include common name, scientific name, when and where collected and any other information. When collecting is not feasible …
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CLASS 1 : HOME GROUNDS Premiums Blue Red White Pink $2.50 $2.25 $2.00 $1.75 Lawn Care Project Lot No. Booklet with 4 or more “before and after” pictures of your lawn with story on seed used, fertilizer and weed control Three sample of lawn grass, 9” x 13” container, 3” x 5” card explaining …
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Premiums Blue Red White Pink $2.00 $1.75 $1.50 $1.25 CLASS 1 : EXPERIMENTS Lot No. Experiment, grades 3 to 6 Experiment, grades 7 and over CLASS 2 – VEGETABLE PLATES Vegetables must be exhibited on 9-inch (approx.) paper plates. Herbs bunch need to be in place by 9am on Saturday morning. Lot No. …
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CLASS 1 -MAGIC OF ELECTRICITY (grades 4 and 5) Premiums Blue Red White Pink $2.00 $1.75 $1.50 $1.25 Grades 3 to 5 Lot No. Working switch – pages 12-13 Identifying Conductors chart (11″x14″) showing test results – pages 16-17 Series and Parallel Circuits chart (11″x14″) – pages 18-19 Magnetic Attraction Test chart (11″x14″) – …
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Only one entry per entry number. Articles should be finished for their intended use. The quality of the finish will be considered as part of the workmanship in the evaluation and judging. Must have a comment card with: What did you make? What will you use it for? What kind of finish is on the …
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For computer generated exhibits, indicate software used. CLASS 1 – BOOTING UP Grades 3-5 CLASS 2 – ADDING ON Grades 6-8 CLASS 3- REACHING BEYOND Grades 9 and over Premiums Blue Red White Pink $2.00 $1.75 $1.50 $1.25 Lot No. A mouse-drawn graphic you have created yourself (i.e. a paint type of …
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